So competition is start. You cant join anymore.
Here is the list of competitors:
Annanova3 | |
aralytexx | |
cloe33311 | |
cooleyash | |
crystalT1996 | |
designiamh72 | |
dispenser2 | |
divaa-ella | |
ghuservicky12 | |
Gyntulea | |
hanzi08 | |
HJS.X | |
Idk_my_bff_gil | |
Inkaly | |
KatiexX98 | |
krisimit | |
lilmissrissie | |
littlestar200 | |
Micky557 | |
Miley8602 | |
MinnieMouse04 | |
MissElouise2544 | |
missemma-loli | |
misslaladm | |
pinkemo11 | |
| |
rio_24 | |
rocky-peace | |
rose12213_11 | |
schnucki08 | |
Selen15 | |
Siobhy98 | |
Spongebob918 | |
| |
sunshine_sparks | |
ubavakreatorka | |
vicky1001 | |
ye_ni1 | |
zeee52 |
This is list off all who join in this competition. Some of you didn't write your nickname so i don't know who you are. Thanks everyone for joining in :D
More about competition soon,but first i need to know which room did you prepare for competition .